A self-compassion specialist who enables deep & lasting change. 

“Working with Henny brought about life-changing results for me.” Katie

To make deep change, we need to care. Deeply.

When you're doing the work of deepening your self-awareness, in order to make changes that will better serve you, it's vital to (re)connect with your care and compassion for your Self.

This applies whether you're curious about disentangling complexities in your past, present, future or you're looking to grow into your next senior role.

Until we learn how to accept the whole of us, the Work can only go so far.

This fundamental truth informs how I support others, as well as how I relate to myself.

I call it practical compassion.

“It is literally neurobiologically impossible to think deeply about things that you don’t care about.”

Mary Helen Immordio-Yang, University of Southern California

The official bio...

Henny is an ICF / PCC accredited coach, ImageWork therapist, author, podcaster, public speaker, InsightTimer teacher and retreat host. She has worked overseas and in the UK, initially in educational publishing and latterly spent 20 years’ in senior corporate roles in financial services. Following burnout (twice) and a period of critical illness she undertook a journey of profound personal change. Her work is founded on building deep self-awareness with profound self-compassion. She has a special interest in supporting people transitioning through major life stages. 

  • BA Hons Sociology, with Psychology
  • Post-graduate Certificate in Business & Personal Coaching
  • Level 2 Systemic & Constellation Coach
  • Diploma in ImageWork
  • Accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

My story

I've spent my whole career working in change... 

I've sat on boards, managed extensive teams, led £multi-million brand programmes. 

I thought I knew what change was; how to make it happen... and how to manage it.

But it was only when I faced into my own need for change, that my understanding deepened.

In September 2016 I found myself in A&E hallucinating a giant, glowing can of Tango.

Desperate to tell my husband I needed to drink it, I was unable to speak. Magical properties of fluorescent fizzy drinks notwithstanding, I actually needed oxygen, fluids and an isolation suite. I had a nasty little virus, sepsis and my third bout of pneumonia that year.

Unfit, unhealthy, unhappy. Overworked, overweight... over it.

It marked a turning point for me - although I didn’t realise it at the time. 

Slowly. Very slowly. I began to realise that something had to change.

I started with some simple mindfulness. I’d toyed with it before but found this time that committing to it meant committing to giving myself something very precious I’d forgotten about entirely. Kindness. 

And that first small step led to a series of fortunate events.

Through a gradual process that included meditation, nutrition, exercise, self-awareness, learning and profound self-compassion, I was better able to face into the things I’d been using work to hide from. 

I discovered experts, trained in helping people move through profound change - who then helped me learn how to help other too. I opened up to new experiences, a new career, new connections. And I embraced an ongoing, grounded transition; becoming healthier, happier, lighter. 

In short, I regrouped my scattered head and heart. And learned to listen to my own inner wisdom.

I share this story as I think it's useful to know the people who walk beside us, have also been through the Work.

I know how vulnerable it can feel to make the decision to create change, and to step out of the frame we've been putting around our life.

For me, the path I chose meant listening deeply. It meant waking up to my own reality. It meant learning how to trust others, and from there, how to trust and love myself.

Where does your path lead you?

"Henny provides coaching with sensitivity, challenge and a connection to inner spirituality which draws out insights and curiosity beyond the transactional." Taz

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