Flow Journaling saved me. It was one of the most powerful tools in helping me make deep and lasting changes in my life. It gave me a safe, compassionate space to explore, learn, and grow. This simple yet profound practice helped me connect to my inner wisdom - the wisest, kindest part of me, that holds the whole of me tenderly and fiercely.
I’ve since refined this approach into what I now call Flow Journaling, and I love sharing it with others.
This practice helped me so much I’ve created free and paid resources to help you on your own Flow Journaling journey. Whether you’re looking for a quick start guide, a guided 14-day quest, or a live workshop, there’s something here for you.
Download your free guide to how Flow Journaling can help in difficult times.
I very much enjoyed journaling with you... it allowed me to write about things that have been on my mind.
I absolutely love it - haven't ever journaled before and it's been difficult and uncomfortable but brilliant.
My favourite prompt was writing a letter to myself from the future. It allowed me to dream/visualise what I want.
Write your heart out – a transformative journaling practice for wisdom & connection.
Published by Inner Work Project
Meet your true self. A practical guide to Flow Journaling, with prompts.
Published by Inner Work Project
Tap into your inner wisdom with this 60-min guided practice for emotional release, clarity & self-compassion.
Includes bonus workbook
Join this year's LIVE Journaling Quest, write with others for 2 weeks, with daily prompts & guidance.
Free to join
Quest begins 21 March!
I had no idea what to expect but I went from feeling stressed to calm and connected. I got so much from what you and the others shared. I haven’t journaled for such a long time and it’s inspired me to consider again.
I'm enjoying the journaling very much, it's been all kinds of things... good, bad, indifferent, revelatory, joyous, tender, tearful, grounding.
I loved it and have been keeping journaling. What a great idea and really appreciate being able to take part.
the Henny Flynn podcast
Episodes on journaling
Hear how Flow Journaling helps us meet ourselves where we are, without judgement, allowing for whatever emerges - often with surprising moments of insight.
Explorations of different practices, with some interactive prompts to try. The interview with Kate includes some personal insights into how journaling saved me and how I see it helps us (re)connect with our deeper, wiser Self.
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies the power and freedom to choose our response. And in our response lies our growth and happiness."
Victor Frankl