Solo Retreats
@ Bach Brook
The content, discussion, stories and trust shared was incredible! We all learned so much.
The complete focus on food, mind and body was simply wonderful.
Joyful. Honestly the most inspirational day.
My tailored talks and expert workshops bring practical tools and compassionate guidance to help individuals and teams thrive during times of change.
Whether you’re planning an event for your organisation or seeking support for a specific audience, these talks are designed to inspire, educate, and connect.
Thank you for the guidance through this process. I will definitely continue to journal after this.
Oh WOW how uplifting was this session! Thank you so much and it's so nice to be part of a generation where the menopause is something we now talk about openly.
Thank you, Henny. That was literally life-changing.
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies the power and freedom to choose our response. And in our response lies our growth and happiness."
Victor Frankl