Career, lifestyle, health, wellbeing, family, relationships - whatever changes you're experiencing or looking to make, these retreat days and focussed change workshops are designed to support you in that process.
Choose it as part of the series or as a one-off session.
You may feel (or have been told) you're not being ‘resilient enough’? Or things you can ordinarily manage are getting to you? Or perhaps you've noticed you're being tougher on yourself lately and want to break those patterns?
Resilience is a core requirement for good mental health. It helps us manage challenges, bounce back from set-backs and look forward with fresh energy and enthusiasm. Whether in corporate life or our day-to-day awareness, it's celebrated as something we should all be aspiring to.
And all this is good. But at times it can also be misunderstood.
We'll look at how overlaying compassion and self-care on the idea of resilience gives us deeper access to our inner resources, as a core component in how we make and manage change.
And we'll understand how by allowing ourselves to recognise and experience our own vulnerability we can emerge stronger and more resilient.
This is a time to explore techniques we can use to build our compassionate resilience. And to look at the impact a deeper connection to our core needs can have on how we respond to the world around us.
It's thought provoking, mindful, enjoyable and proactive.